
2,342 updates
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argoxi 1 year ago

im back from the war (attemtping to make homepage mobile responsive) (failed and broke several other things)

argoxi 1 year ago

idk whats up with the iframes LMAO

need to update my colours tcg page asap aa a aa aa a ive been updating it remotely i just haven't put it into the code yet TwT
argoxi 1 year ago


WOW!!! your site is amazing!!!! i really like your theme... it's sites like yours that make me feel so inspired to keep coding :D can't wait to see what you'll do next!!
layercake 1 year ago

THANK YOU SO SO MUCH? this means so much to me wah <3 i love your site so much its so pleasing, jyushi aimono the world

1 like
argoxi 1 year ago

WAHHH OF COURSE!! SERIOUSLY! ITS SO COOL!! it makes me wanna catch up with a3... also TY!!! jyushisweep!!!! T0T

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argoxi 1 year ago

my gallery filter is broken for some reason and i dont have the brain power to fix it lol

argoxi 1 year ago

nvm fixed it i'm literally the smartest person alive (trialed and errored until it worked again without understanding the problem)

omg I love your site! :0 I was wondering tho how did you do the custom stickers in cbox??
1 like
argoxi 1 year ago

aw thank you!!!! if you go to your dashboard on there should be a page for emoticons and you can just upload your pics there!!!

1 like
i love your art so much... your site is so fun to explore!!!
1 like
vivarism 1 year ago

Thank you sm :+D I hope you'll come back and visit again!

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMay 21, 2022
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hypmic jyushiaimono personal anime art