Anoles, Quails, And Maybe Cattails

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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 2 years ago

This includes a basic chart I made showing varieties and genes.

Hi! Just looked at your lifelist, you have BEAUTIFUL photos of the birds you've seen. I've been meaning to start my lifelist, but have been so busy that I haven't been able to start it yet. Keep up the great work! I look foreward to updates on this website :-)
Hi! I love your page. All of your photos are so beautiful! I would like to see sections for mosses & lichens, some of my favorite plants. (Although I'm not sure if lichens really count as plants)
eflora 2 years ago

Thank you for the positive feedback. I'm glad to hear it! I will be adding pages for mosses and lichens, as I find information on them. Until I'm proficient at identification, the photos may not be available.

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedSep 16, 2022
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reptiles quail anoles nature outdoors