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Hi! I finally found what I think is an iron film, not in my own vernal pool but at a friend's. I put the observation here if you want to see it:
jarnbrak 1 year ago

Very late reply but what a cool observation! It's very clear, I usually don't see them so clear! super interesting :-)

Thank you for your message! I couldn't find a way to respond so I hope this method is okay : ) I am so glad to share iron films with other people!! They are really quite common when you start looking for them! Would you be able to do me a favor? If you ever encounter films in your vernal pool patrols that look like iron films, but formed by bubbling to the surface of the water, would you let me know? Thank you!
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jarnbrak 2 years ago

This formation method means that they might not actually be iron films, but this type is quite understudied, and I originally encountered it in a vernal pool. :) If that is too much trouble though, no problem! I hope your vernal pool patrols go well! (and what a cool term, haha)

anolesquailsandmaybecattails 2 years ago

I could do that! It looks like you have iNaturalist, are there any projects related to iron films?

anolesquailsandmaybecattails 2 years ago

I just saw your ecospheres page and it is so cool! I want to make some now :-)

jarnbrak 2 years ago

(I hope this method replies to you!) I actually just now made an account! People usually report films on iNaturalist as "Leptothrix discophora" but I've been hesitant to do the same because it's much more likely that they can form in a plethora of different ways that can't really be ascribed to one species. But I'll look into it more!

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jarnbrak 2 years ago

And yes you totally should make ecosphere jars! They're so fun and low-maintenence, and it's especially amazing to watch them evolve over time. My oldest one is 1.5 years and is still not done changing! Some professors I know have ones that are 15 years old..

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jarnbrak 2 years ago

Sorry for spam, but I just made a project after seeing there were none! :)

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jarnbrak 2 years ago

aaand even more spam -- I found another project, oops!

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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 2 years ago

Thanks! I'll join both projects.

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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 2 years ago

Oh! I've seen iron film before! I am part of the citizen scientist vernal pool patrol, so this will be such a useful resource!

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