halcyon days

198 updates
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halcyon days was updated.
4 months ago
alcedonia 4 months ago

(finally updated my buttons page. hope i didn't miss anyone... also i *slightly* changed my button. if you have it posted, feel free to update it. or not, i don't really care lol)

Thanks for following! I love your touhou doodles
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Thanks for following! Your Hobonichis are so cute! I hope you like the Jibun Techo. I've stuck with the Hobonichi Cousin for years, so I'm curious to see how you like it! :)
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petdiary 7 months ago

Thank you!! I am so excited to start using it! :-D I'm so devoted to the Hobonichi though, I can't see myself ever straying too long lol

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halcyon days was updated.
7 months ago
nekonokuni 7 months ago

I also used to think that 25 was old lol but that was when I was 15 so I think that is understandable if you are really young to think that because you don't know how it really is until you experience yourself.

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alcedonia 7 months ago

Yeah I agree, I was definitely the same! I thought 20-something year olds were sooo mature lmao. It's the people in the 18-21 age range that I side eye. I'm not quite sure what they're expecting once they hit their mid-20s in a few years.

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halcyon days was updated.
8 months ago
shakerbox 8 months ago

My mom tried to Christian me out of liking Pokemon too!! She'd say like the 'mon' part was for 'monsters' but I missed her point and said 'that's what makes them cool!!' I'm excited to see your gym leadersona!!!

nekonokuni 7 months ago

I agree with you in the success part, I think that the games are getting worse because the fans will play it no matter how shitty the game is so the studio get relaxed and don't try hard to make a better game (it's the same as the sims, before ts4 was released a lot of people said that didn't wanted to play because there wasn't toddlers, pools, service npcs etc but they still played either way)

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nekonokuni 10 months ago

I totally agree with you with getting sad in cloudy days, I don't mind rainy days much if the rain don't last for many consecutive days but a cloudy day always makes me feel down even though I am a really cheerful person. And I also don't like March until June. But for me it's because is fall here, and I really love summer so I hate the shorter days and colder climate lol

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nekonokuni 10 months ago

I can't relate to the insomnia but I always listen to relaxing videos which help my concentrate while I am studying. I like this channel best: (maybe it could be helpfull for you ( •́ .̫ •̀ ))

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alcedonia 10 months ago

Thank you, I really appreciate it! 💛 I'll definitely check that channel out! And I totally feel you with the shorter days. I find that even in winter, going for a walk or even just getting some fresh air helps with seasonal depression. I hope the cold weather and long nights don't get you too down!

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CreatedOct 17, 2022
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