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the header font is so cute omg
omg i love the tooltips and the dropdown menus!!! do you have any pointers for how i can do tooltips the way yours are set up?
just wanna second your tool tips are very cool cute and inspiring omg
@kkbkkb thank u vvv much :3 of course~ i use a standard tooltip coding (im p sure i just use the example that w3schools gives!!), except for the border and star icon :3 i used help from this page for the border -> ! border images cant be curved so you need to make a separate div for that, but if you dont want curved borders you can border-image on its own!
@kkbkkb and the star icon uses an ::after class!!! since it's after it uses content(), and inside the brackets i just have the image url for the icon im using, and from there you can position it however you want :3 if you want, you can copy the coding im using and play around with it~
@plushspace squeee thank you sm o((>ω< ))o
@bunny-claws its a personal fav of mine :3 its called superscript and you can get it on dafont ^^