PiPe - The Home of Pepyo!

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Having a frisky idea: site zones. I love my current site aesthetic and will probably stick with it for days to come, but I miss being able to tinker with how a site looks. My character pages offer some of that experience, but once a character page is done, it's mostly done! I'm currently thinking on making a 'pink zone' dedicated to a cute style and pixel graphics
pip-pepping 2 years ago

ACTUALLY. An idea for a pink zone and a blue zone are currently in competition. I set up my work laptop to have a deep, sparkly blue aesthetic and now it's really on my mind too.

Sorry if this isn't the best place to contact you, but on the ichigo directory, under pixel + personal sites, it looks like the site for Novemberry ( has since gone down...
keysklubhouse 2 years ago

My link for Novemberry still works, though it's an unsecured url.

pip-pepping 2 years ago

Ah -- I think I found the issue then. Because Novemberry is an unsecure URL, the 'HTTPS Everywhere' extension does NOT play nicely with it. With how many unsecure URLs I run into while surfing this community, I might just get rid of the extension, ack!

pip-pepping 2 years ago

Just removed HTTPS Everywhere and now I can see the site just fine. Sorry for the false alarm!!

Added some alternate site button styles to my 'sites to see' page, and added some free-to-use 88x31 under my shiny collection for my Sky: Children of the Light fans out there!
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pip-pepping 2 years ago

New artwork, yahoo !!

I'm getting to know the issues peeps have been having with their sites now. I think the reason it hadn't been affecting me yet is because lately I've been doing one, big edit to certain pages, but the issues with my site not updating occurs when I try to update the same file more than once (like when I go in to do small tweaks)
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paintkiller 2 years ago

Yeah that adds up with my experiences. I also read your reply about an external editor, might give it a go, thanks for the suggestion!

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Feeling sleepless and frisky, might edit that section under my sites to see page to look a bit more fun

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 14, 2022
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