website under construction for now

352 updates
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small poll on what would you like to see on my website for 40 follower special - like the comment of mine with the idea you like the most
kva64 6 years ago

a) a new page with useless info (spoilers: something about awful anime)

kva64 6 years ago

b) some useless new goodies on my goodies page

kva64 6 years ago

c) some random midis of unknown origin to be put and played on the main page

kva64 6 years ago

d) new design??

kva64 6 years ago

made some minor updates, check the readme for details(?) -

finally uploaded my (very first and unfinished) small crappy game on my website, yay! please check out the readme here - - before accessing it from the site's menu and playing it. although you probably shoudn't play it since it's unfinished and really bad
sneak peek on some crappy stuff to come~
thanks for 10k+ views everyone, will try to upload a (not really celebratory) lil' something on my website soon
was listening to old backstreet boys songs for no reason at all yesterday and just now i learned they've released a new 49-cent single on itunes today lololol
kva64 6 years ago

i thought they were ded but backstreet's back again

yudosai 6 years ago

backstreet's back on the street, yeet

just want to say thank you to everyone who placed my button on their pages ily guys
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kva64 6 years ago

also i wonder what should i make to celebrate the approaching 10k views hmm

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kva64 6 years ago

i have some neat ideas though but i have a lot of stuff to do for uni :(

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kva64 6 years ago

for some reason the links page doesn't want to update but i've added a couple of linkbacks and link to chrono dot gg there just so you know

1 like
got featured on punimelt's instagram page and im like WOW OVER 1000 LIKES SRSLY THX ->
1 like

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedSep 14, 2016
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