Koshka's Kingdom

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koshka 3 years ago

Added a new page to the UFO debunking the pervasive "Autism Epidemic" myth, and fixed a typo in the Autism-Tinted Glasses article that @bmh pointed out.

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

my favorite ufo post so far

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cyberwitch 3 years ago

This has to be my favorite "UFO" post so far, too! That quote by Ted Kaczynski is perfect. Although I don't agree with everything he says, he makes a ton of good points about the modern world and the devastating effects of the Industrial Revolution.

koshka 3 years ago

Thank you so much, @holeinmyheart and @cyberwitch!! I admit I have not yet read all of Ted Kaczynski's Manifesto, the parts I did read all make stunningly good points. I suppose that's the reason they locked him up in such a draconic fashion - they don't do that to people who are just ranting and raving about nothing.

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cyberwitch 3 years ago

I understand what he did was wrong (sending bombs to people), but letting Harvard get away with its experiments on him and other undergraduates at the time was really no better. Yet, people are angrier at him than the society that poisoned him (and continues to poison the rest of us + the environment).

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bright-eyes 3 years ago

As well as autistic people and introverts, the modern world probably causes problems with those suffering from PTSD and anxiety related illnesses. My partner has PTSD (for various reasons) and he was once in the police, and after that worked quite high up in the marketing department of a company, along with other jobs and I considered him to better at dealing with authorities and such like than I am.

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bright-eyes 3 years ago

Since he had is last breakdown (which is almost 10 years ago, now), he finds dealing with banks, the council, etc, very difficult and stressful.

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koshka 3 years ago

@cyberwitch Sadly, that's modern western society in a nutshell. The organised powers-that-be can blatantly get away with anything they want, but any of us regular peons are utterly screwed if we do anything to fight back. It's no wonder the planet is going straight to the dogs, and has been for over 100 years now.

koshka 3 years ago

@bright-eyes No doubt about that. The modern world issues that I mentioned (sensory issues brought on by technology, and having to constantly interact with and make positive impressions on complete strangers) are liable to be hellish for anyone who has anxiety and/or PTSD. Autistic people often have at least one of those due to childhood experiences too, so it's a double/triple whammy.

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