
3,417 updates
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hey, i love your "cool stuff" section. for example this babel link... what the heck lol. anyways i'm impressed with the work you put into your site, it's very fun to explore!
itsyaboypedro 2 years ago

thank you! that babel site really is just, so so cool... i remember when i heard about it for the first time i lost my mind for a sec... all the knowledge in the world potentially logged on one website... mind blown... i'm glad you like my website too! thank you!

just added a new food review! sno-caps! also, i had to edit my visitor counter again. for some reason it won't update properly... i have, as of right now, 162,905 views, but the counter goes up and down randomly... not sure what that's about. Thank you for all those views, by the way! hell yeah!!
bugcreature 2 years ago

I'm so glad to hear sno-caps still hold up!!

itsyaboypedro 2 years ago

@bugcreature, they really do!! wasn't expecting that at all!

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Hi pedro
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just posted 5 new food reviews, including my first 10/10 in a while!! all of these snacks i bought while on a trip to the USA. I have a lot of plans for the website, including a "guest review" section for food reviews made by friends, a couple new Cool Stuff sites, and a mini comic series as well! a lot of fun stuff coming up soon! follow me on twitter if you can!
pagespages 2 years ago

Glad to hear you are back. How was your trip?

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itsyaboypedro 2 years ago

@pagespages, it went super super well! i will move to the US in about a year, perhaps a bit more. thank you for asking!

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pagespages 2 years ago

Good to hear!

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Nice website! As far as food reviews, you noted the disappointment that were Flamin' Hot Cheetos. I, like you, tend to find "Flamin' Hot" seasoned products underwhelming, however, in the United States, there is another spicy Cheetos flavor, one which contains cheese. The variety is known as Chili Cheese Fantastix and are near impossible to find in stores here. However, if you are interested, I have found two sellers.
itsyaboypedro 2 years ago

hey, thank you! :) i'll be in the US in june, so i'll definitely look for those around. i believe my partner has had those before, so they shouldn't be that hard to find where we'll be staying! a Ton of food reviews are coming soon, with my trip and all.

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pagespages 2 years ago

Just saw your message today. Sorry for the late reply, but I am glad to hear of your trip. A couple words of warning with foods in the U.S: 1. Avoid General Mills products, there was a recall of flour for traces of E. Coli. 2. Do not buy grocery store brand meat or poultry products, unless from a butcher section, the warning I gave for General Mills applies here too.

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pagespages 2 years ago

To elaborate on the General Mills recall, it is no longer active, but it lasted for over a year as multiple batches tested positive.

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more food reviews on the latest update of my site! 11 reviews to be exact! 10 of which were brought to you thanks to my friend Keoni... he sent me a package full of a lot of stuff, including a lot of japanese snacks. Shoutout to keoni!! you're the best!!
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CreatedJun 13, 2018
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