Draggian Universe

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The sitemap on my homepage (and other places there's a sitemap) has been rearranged, including moving Exabyss and 4thewords to "games / friend codes" vs. "online presences" because they're less social and not part of my petsite empire, separating out personal pages and meta pages about the website, and taking the Fuck Falling In Reverse call to action page off the homepage links (it's still on the Music Scene hub).
draggianuniverse 2 months ago

Since the relevant shirt was removed from FIR's merch store in December 2024, the page will stay up for historical posterity because it's still relevant (it never should have been there to begin with), but I no longer think it's homepage-level important distinct from the Music Scene Hub.

Hey, thanks for your help with my question about meta tags this morning. Clicked through your site -- really appreciate the resources listing (def bookmarking that visual text to HTML converter) and also love your art; the comic from your flower poem is horrifying and I love it. Would you be interested in exchanging links / 88*31 buttons?
crystalclearcrystalline 2 months ago

Hi! It's no problem! I wish I was more helpful but I'm happy to hear that it was something at least. And also thank you! I'd be down exchanging links.

draggianuniverse 2 months ago

Great! Just added your button to the homepage :)

crystalclearcrystalline 2 months ago

Sweet! I also just added yours to my "links out" page!

Is there a way to set meta tags for your whole website so I don't have to go through and update every page's robots.txt manually when I want to change something (like I'm doing right now)?
draggianuniverse 2 months ago

Apparently I forgot to set the favicon in head tags for some of my pages and those still have the favicon from my homepage so maybe head tags inherit down, but I don't know for sure which is why I set them manually for everything. I wish robots.txt included the specific "search engines fuck off" tags along with my baseline "block: *".

crystalclearcrystalline 2 months ago

I think the HTML code for keywords is something like this (goes in then ): . I also thought just dropping robot.txt into the dashboard would apply it to all pages?

crystalclearcrystalline 2 months ago

omg it didn't go through... it's: [meta name="keywords" content="tag1,tag2"]. It goes under the [head] tag

draggianuniverse 2 months ago

this is for things like noarchive, no refer, etcetera, which when I looked them up, did not seem to be options in robots.txt. I have the meta tags in the head tag of all my pages. issue is that I'd like to not have to edit the heads for all of them manually

draggianuniverse 2 months ago

[meta name="robots" content="noindex, noimageindex, nofollow, nosnippet, noarchive, nocache, noai, noimageai"] -- it's these. these are separate from robots.txt. I added them to the head tags of all pages manually, but is there a way to do that for all at once?

crystalclearcrystalline 2 months ago

Ooooh! I see! I did not know that! As far as I know, I don't think there's a way to automatically apply this to all pages. I think something like static site generators //might// help but I'm not too familiar with them to say for sure though (plus they might force you to manually add tags to already existing pages) :/

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draggianuniverse 2 months ago

Hmm, not the answer I was hoping for. I'm just a little guy here to do Neopets-y HTML; I don't understand your fancy generators. Well, copy and pasting stuff into heads doesn't take too long, and I've got a standard set for new pages, so it's not that much of a problem.

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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