Draggian Universe

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I'm trying to decide if I should re-order the list of Dudesverse fanfics on the main fanfic page to sort them in chronological order vs. date written, like on the RRverse page. What do y'all think? Do you think that would be better?
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draggianuniverse 1 month ago

started playing Pokemon TCG Pocket; dropped my friend code on the homepage along with the other nonsense

Something Approaching A Scene Podcast is on PeerTube now, and you'll be able to watch videos there once they're done transcoding. I'll still also be posting 480P versions of the videos here, but you can see them at full resolution and also like and comment and stuff on the 'tubes. I've found I really like doing videos, so check it out perhaps.
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Anybody know either how to upload big files (over 100 MB) or a good file compressor for videos? Neither the web client, command line, nor WebDAV is letting me upload my Something Approaching A Scene Podcast videos. (yes, I know you're not *supposed* to upload video to Neocities, but I want a backup; I've seen shit.)
goofyahhbingus 1 month ago

You can try using HandBrake, it's a FOSS program that you can install on desktop. It can do things like changing the extension/format and the quality of the video/audio. It may require a bit of tinkering to get good settings though, getting a small video file always requires a huge quality loss.

draggianuniverse 1 month ago

OK, thanks. I was able to get my biggest one below 100k with at 480p, so I'll upload that for the time being, but I'll try to see if that gets better results.

draggianuniverse 1 month ago

Also requested an account on a PeerTube instance so I can embed / share from there.

draggianuniverse 1 month ago

OK, the 480p videos actually aren't that bad so I think I'll just use those, and do PeerTube links for higher quality versions. Thanks for the rec, though!

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upgraded to supporter so I can finally host all my things onsite (and because I realized that moving over the Pokemon Go archives off of Imgur would basically use up all my space). so I'll slowly be moving audio / video embeds to being routed locally. that's basically it; I have no real desire for a custom domain at present
draggianuniverse 1 month ago

Finally updated the Pokemon Go archives for the first time in the past year. Of course, only two team leader lore-relevant Pokemon Go events have happened in the past year...

Finally filled out signup forms for a bunch of webrings I've had bookmarked. Also added 2 new art pieces to my sona's page.

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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emo writing scene art ocs