Draggian Universe

9,935 updates
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Are files hosted on Catbox not loading for anyone else? I can access their homepage, but anything with is coming up as "server not found". They work on a VPN so I'm wondering if it's blocked either in the US or on my WiFi. (Links to audio and videos that were on Catbox have been moved to, except the Something Approaching A Scene Podcast videos because they're too big to upload there.)
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draggianuniverse 19 hours ago

I don't know of any file hosters that allow uploads over 100 MBs and HTML embeds other than Catbox, so if Catbox really is down in the US, guess I'm subscribing to Neocities.

draggianuniverse 14 hours ago

okay, my catbox hosted files are back so I guess it was a temporary outage. I will probably subscribe eventually, but I'm kind of waiting until I run out of space. (I don't see any particular value in being or something vs. the Neocities URL and I like my title.)

Nothing new to report. Just did some trivial updates to put some terminology and things up to date, and clarifying that the Fuck Falling In Reverse campaign page is staying up for archival purposes, but no longer active since the offending shirt was removed from the merch store.
draggianuniverse 3 days ago

new misc. rambling on the subject of "revivals" and nostalgia and such

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Last updated 18 hours ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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