Draggian Universe

9,250 updates
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Super shiny Incarnation of Chaos Xinonix now has information on the WHATverse Incarnations page, including some very fun in-universe mythology / culture worldbuilding. Also, she's a wolf snake made of rainbows and lightning, so what's not to like? Check it out. Her sibling Vipheriv is coming soon; see the NeOCities-tober schedule.
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Daily update for the October thing is up. I drew a weird slime dog and have some thoughts about animum and Edgeslime worldbuilding for whenever that page exists. Go look at the weird little guy (scroll down to the 5th in daily contributions div).
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draggianuniverse 2 months ago

And the little guy by themself if you don't want to read my mini-ramble post.

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draggianuniverse 2 months ago

Figured out how object-fit and object-position worked so all square-resized images on OC pages (and my art page) look better now.

Daily NeOCities-tober update: Situations was ported from Art Fight, and you get the bonus of a miscellaneous post about special interests as spirit possession and my complicated self-concept as relates to those things. I have no idea if it makes any sense to anyone but me, so I'd appreciate feedback. (not that I plan to edit it because it's a raw reflection, but I'd be interested to know what y'all got out of it.)
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Despite fighting with the editor, my page for what I'm gonna be doing for my "October drawing challenge" (i.e. getting through my backlog of OC stuff I need to put up here) is up.
New update that sort of, uh, came to me. Basically, I bought a weird edgy CD used for a dollar figuring I could assess it, it turned out to contain a super cute 2000s HTML interface complete with authentic edgy banner ads, and I decided to reupload it (technically to Nekoweb, but the landing page is here) for y'all's enjoyment and historical preservation.
draggianuniverse 2 months ago

even if only some of them are genres I'm into / bands I'm comfortable assessing in 2024, over 100 tracks for a dollar is an incredible deal. were I sapient and into edgy music in 2004 and one of these came with every issue of the magazine, I'd definitely subscribe.

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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emo writing scene art ocs