Draggian Universe

11,220 updates
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sona ref revamp update -- front view is done; here's the 2022 original vs. 2025 comparison. (the tank top is not a permanent wardrobe change; it's for practicality so the arm tattoos are visible. I still mostly wear graphic tees and hoodies IRL and in my idealized form.) >
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I don't post WIPs on the website because I know me and I know that if I HTMLify things before they're done, they'll never get done. But I have been working on a very plot-important Dudesverse fanfic WIP and have some thoughts about the new segment and how it connects to my experience with recovery and also the Pokemon XD Shadow Pokemon lore it's referencing. Read them?
draggianuniverse 3 weeks ago

Like, this is a confirmation that I am in fact working on the fanfic updates I promised I'd do, and also I love this concept and want to infodump about it. is the best freaking platform for the kind of stuff I usually send over DMs I've ever encountered

Anybody know of any good cloud places for text that work well with long files? I've been keeping my journal on Zoho Writer so I can update it from either my computer or phone and have it sync (which is important for making me do regular updates which is the point) but it's started to glitch now that it's at 160+ pages. I don't want to put it publicly online on my website, for obvious reasons.
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draggianuniverse 3 weeks ago

the only reason I use Zoho is (a) fuck Google and (b) Google Docs got really slow on my phone and Word refused to operate without logging in. and now Zoho is being slow because my journal is apparently too long

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draggianuniverse 2 weeks ago

It has occurred to me that since I'm not editing my old journal entries, I can just split it into separate files by year so the old ones are archived and the new ones are in a shorter and easier to edit format.

ooo secret WIP preview. working on a revamp for my sona's human ref since many things have changed since 2022. wip: | compare 2022 original:
New RRverse fanfic. It's about how our timeline's Ronnie got dumped back in January, so consults the fanfic guys to try to help make him un-single. (It doesn't work.) >
draggianuniverse 3 weeks ago

Based on a true story. Everyone generally agrees, seemingly including Ronnie, that they broke up in December, but it wasn't officially confirmed until late January. Dude's been spiraling ever since and frankly, couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy. >

trying to make a new scene podcast video about the new architects album, but OBS is refusing to cooperate with me, so it's postponed until I figure out what's wrong with it (or if Reddit helps -- by the way, Xx_reimaginedGOATed is my anonymous-sona for Reddit questions, so don't fret about them stealing my identity if they link here.)

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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