Draggian Universe

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Hey, I'm interested in joining the webring. URL is, slug is "draggian".
draggianuniverse 1 month ago

Title: Draggian Universe / Description: "weird emo snake demon guy on the computer" / Contact: Neocities profile @draggianuniverse

gods help me i think i've gotten fixated on the music scene spreadsheet
new misc. rambling about spirituality and pentagrams and stuff and how i perceive it as a demon scientist. wrote it a couple days ago but forgot to upload >
draggianuniverse 1 month ago

Added some new stuff to the fanfic worldbuilding page (/fanfic/info) about Pokemon reproduction. All very clinical and biological, of course.

guys I had an epiphany and I think the pivotal emotional moment in Arlo's character arc and the fanfic containing it might FINALLY be able to be written in a way I'm satisfied with after 2 years (this story is supposed to be set in summer 2023 and has been in the works since then)
Well, Paw Borough (cat petsite that launched Kickstarter in 2022) is now in closed beta and I exist there. Of course, everything is broken and all the text and images are placeholders and lorum ipsum. So I can't well get acquainted with the game. Hesitant to call it "beta", really, this is way below even alpha standards. But if you're there:
numbersstory 1 month ago

sent you a friend request :) it's really in a ridiculous state and i don't know what they think they'll accomplish by opening the beta rn.

draggianuniverse 1 month ago

Frankly, I don't quite understand how this is what their "closed beta" looks like since they've been in development for at least 2 years, and I want to say alpha opened over a year ago. I joined Santae in alpha and they weren't...this, and this was before their Kickstarter funding. Lorwolf's beta was basically fully featured.

numbersstory 1 month ago

yeah, i've played lorwolf's beta too :( i'm going to stop bothering playing because i had a bugged cat so the "solution" was to send me back to onboarding and "wipe" my account's cats, which already had kids and outfits....

draggianuniverse 1 month ago

Oof. At least I avoided the bugs, but I don't see any reason to play until it's actually clear what I'm supposed to do.

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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emo writing scene art ocs