crow's nest

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review of the terror novel! there are both spoilers for the show AND the book, but if you've only seen one or the other and are curious about the differences between them, you might be interested :)
vegacollective 8 months ago

An interesting comparison, thank you for sharing!

hello fellow corvid ! i like your name lol
crows-nest 9 months ago

hello hello fellow bird! cool site!!

1 like
fellow le guin fan!!! love your site, the cursor effect is so neat :D
1 like
abbenai 9 months ago

more of us! more of us! the cursor effect is from btw ^_^

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if anyone else watches yellowjackets, i wrote a review for season two of the show!
blackwater 9 months ago

totally agree w everything here lol. when actors start leaving the show and they have to write around all that it generally starts to worry me haha

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crows-nest 9 months ago

ikr, the writers have said that nat dying was always their plan but i definitely feel doubt.jpg at that. if theyre telling the truth then it definitely was not supposed to happen this early. i do feel for juliette lewis tho, she was essentially sold a false version of the character and found herself playing a character that was very triggering to her (she is also a recovering alcoholic cult survivor)

crow's nest was updated.
9 months ago
mandarin 9 months ago

dara dara dadada dada dada

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mandarin 9 months ago

(cool article!!)

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plasticdino 9 months ago

omg I was waiting for your take on the new odd eye circle. I agree that the new tunes slap!!

1 like
doqmeat 9 months ago

interesting read!!

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crow's nest was updated.
9 months ago

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