crow's nest

3,168 updates
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made an email contact for the site, updated about page (currently reading/watching + fixing typos)... im trying to figure out how to make a button for my site and have other peoples buttons but i am very small and very stupid
your site is very cool :D!!
getcubed 1 year ago

thank you! love your song of the week!

neocities is doing this really weird thing where i'll edit my css and then hit "save" and it will save and the site will visually change but then if i exit out of the css file and come back, all my edits have been reverted in the file?? but my site is still visually showing the edits?? am i just stupid like wtf is going on
joyride 1 year ago

pre sure this is a known error. u have to ctrl shift r to hard reload the css editor page. also make sure ur not running an automatic cookies deleting thing in yr browser

1 like
been playing around with new colors because i think the current pink&white i've got isn't high contrast enough but its so hard to find something i like ughhhh im attatched to what ive got now :((
crows-nest 1 year ago

i finally figured out what i want to do :3 so far only the home page is different but i will be fixing the other pages soon!

crow's nest was updated.
1 year ago
joyride 1 year ago

Always enjoy reading your music reviews! I also was dissapointed w/ Beautiful Monster after looving Stereotype and run2u (the bsides for those albums, too? mwa). Maybe I'll give poppy a chance when I'm free.


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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedMar 30, 2022
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art videogames music blogging writing