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Hi, I'd like to be added to the webring! my site is and my slug is benitengu and my description is : Personal website where I talk about the occult, politics, and animals
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ghostring 3 months ago

You're on the list, but the webring links can't be detected on your page currently

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benitengu 3 months ago

@ghostring it should be there now

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1 like
Hii I requested a few months back and was told it was updated so I am wondering if I was missing something ? :o
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ghostring 4 months ago

hey I'm sorry about that!!! I looked into it and I see the correct links on your site, but they aren't detected by ringfairy because they're loaded in a frame somehow. If you go to View Page Source and then ctrl+F for "ghostring" you won't see anything, so ringfairy isn't seeing that either. It would require a different, more intense method of scraping. I have to go to bed but I'll think about how best to address it

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Last updated 1 second ago
CreatedSep 26, 2022
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classics pagan paganism history witchcraft