Aristasian Reminiscence

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Pop along to the askbox to witness it's (much more legible) new layout and read a short response to a question about an "Aristasia for men," which... trails onto the topic of Julius Evola *holds nose*, somehow?
Beautiful space! I love the way your site makes a little noise when I click on something! How on earth does that happen? It's positively delightful!
lexiq 1 month ago

thank u! ^^ thats some javascript sorcery eheh

Did you know the site has an askbox for sending questions? It does! I've gotten a couple, but only answered one so far. Check it out at where we're talking about Aristasia's interaction and overlap with the otherkin community. I've plans for a small section about it on the site eventually, too.
I've significantly expanded the section on what the Aristasians believed about gender. It now includes more about their views on essence versus substance and how this relates to things like gender and the mind. It also talks about aspects of misandry with regards to that.
aristasia 1 month ago

I've plans now to add a short section to the page, as well, about Aristasian perspectives on science, and in particular, their odd views on evolution. The controversy surrounding this is real, but has been significantly overstated. I also want to talk about where it originated within the group's philosophy.

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Last updated 2 hours ago
CreatedDec 5, 2023
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otherkin aristasia spirituality pagan queer