Enter The Gaggle?

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gaggleofgeese 2 days ago

Added a goose cursor to all of the sites! Tomorrow I hope to make a few new pages and spruce up all of the ones I haven't touched recently!

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gaggleofgeese 2 days ago

This was a difficult but good practice on responsive web dev! I'm hoping to set up the whole foundation of Goose Town, then make it pretty for all!

I’ve had no internet so I’m giving cellular coding a shot! Wish me luck, please T.T
I'm free from the constraints of free-form posting! Hello to anyone here, I began learning to code on the 19th. I believe I'm doing an alright job catching up to my mind's designs but I hope you'll be patient with me as I try my best to do so! Thank you.

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Last updated 7 hours ago
CreatedJan 19, 2025
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