230 updates
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dann 4 months ago

I keep toying around with my micro article section. For the big ones, I just duplicate the .html file and edit. Sure, they won't share the same layout if I ever did a re-design, but I'm okay with leaving timecapsules if that ever happens. I do create a JS array that's shared, which provides titles/dates/ID/description, and I can reference that from anywhere.

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dann 4 months ago

But the small ones where I want to just update quickly: I create a ##.txt for the write-up, and ##.jpg for the thumbnail, and then call them via AJAX on one page based on a similar JS array that has the IDs for each. In theory, it's less work, but I still feel like it's a chore to create a new one. Half the time, I want to just open up the .html file and append a new article before the last.

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Working on doing the site again, I partly wanted an excuse to practicing website building and possibly JS code since I'm learning about that too now. Also going to try staying consistent with it even if its small updates here and there.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedNov 11, 2023
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art music coding journal blogging