
713 updates
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i was initially kind of hesitant on following an inactive site (first superficial impressions) but after giving in to my intrigue, i must say your last diary entry has to be one of the most heartwarming and stirring pieces of writing i've read lately, heck in maybe even a year or two. i'm so glad life is beautiful for you again, i love that you're rebuilding it little by little in a way that rewards you gradually
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milk-tea 5 months ago

i'm personally still struggling to carve any possible modicum of meaning out of life's banality, but a reminder like your entry every once in a while goes a startlingly long way in easing the process :] p.s i'd recommend the namesake by jhumpa lahiri, i read it a while ago but i've been thinking about it a lot lately, especially the tenderness of prose and my identity in relation to the experiences depicted. magical

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJun 7, 2017
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