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So someone used the svg version of my 88x31 button, even if I display the png version on my own page... which makes me very happy to have that distinction lmao
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zumi 2 years ago

testing out a categorical blog index, lemme know what you think

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zumi 2 years ago

opengraph test. why does neocities render the thumbnail with no content lmao, I guess I should get rid of that anti-FOUC hack or whatever

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zumi 2 years ago

nvm I didn't need to, turns out my hack was incomplete and resulted in no-content for browsers not supporting preload such as firefox 59- which is what neocities' thumbnailer uses

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sckewi 2 years ago

Congrats on getting it working, and many thanks for the mention!

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i forgot that cache expires per session so if you opened my page after some time the cache resets, so, hello FOUC. lmao

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 18, 2015
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