The Book Ring // Library at Marigold.Town

323 updates
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Hey Bookbug! I love what you guys have created here and it's a fantastic idea! ♥ I was wondering if you'd like to affiliate with me? :) I host a book webring and directory here and I think if we linked to each other, we could make the reading community on Neocities and the small web even bigger! ♥ Anyways, let me know when you get the chance. Keep up the amazing work with this project :) I think I may apply as well
vashti 7 months ago

Thank you for the offer, but we're not currently interested in becoming affiliates at this time

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You have such a cute website!! I love everything about it! <3 I noticed you have a cute book section as well! I'd love to extend an invite to you to join The Book Ring if it's something you'd be interested in. :) It's a webring and directory for anyone with book-related content on their sites so fellow readers can find each other and make new friends. ^^ Hope to see you! Keep up the amazing work on your site ♥
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inkcaps 7 months ago

Hi, thank you for reaching out to me about this, you're very kind! I'll keep you posted about whether I decide to join or not if that's okay! ♡

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thebookring 7 months ago

For sure! :) Happy Holidays! ♥

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Thanks a bunch for the follow back! :) I'd love to extend an invite to you to join The Book Ring and directory! It is open to anyone with book-related content on their site and will help others with similar interests find you here on the small web. If you decide to, the link to join is on my page. :) I hope you're having a lovely week!
Thank you for your lovely comment, Elise! I see you are an amateur author! You're more than welcome to join The Book Ring/Directory if you'd like to! :) The ring is for anyone who has book-related content on their site!
elisewritesstories 8 months ago

Thank you! I'll consider it if I ever complete the website :) Right now, I still lack finished stories!

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elisewritesstories 8 months ago

I saw that update thumbnail and just had to click. The site is so pretty (and I want to live there)

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thanks for the follow, I like the concept of this webring
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thebookring 8 months ago

Thanks for the follow back! I noticed you have some book-related content on your website :) you're most welcome to join The Book Ring and directory if it's something you'd like to be part of! :D It is open to anyone who has book-related content.

Website Stats

Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedNov 9, 2023
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books webring reading writing personal