The Book Ring // Library at Marigold.Town

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Check out what our members are currently reading on the members page! 🤓 Already a member? Share your current read with us!
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Warm welcomes to our new members! :)
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Finally back online! I was without internet for a few weeks. Getting caught up on webring and neighbor requests today. :) So if you sent an application over the past few weeks and haven't been added yet, you will be today!
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Hey Bead! So sorry to message you through here but I lost your email. :( I was doing some maintenance on the book ring and noticed the navigation arrows on your widget aren't looping properly. When you get a chance, if you could replace the previous and next arrow links with the following, this should fix the issue! :)

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedNov 9, 2023
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