starlit seas. a blue horizon info site by naila moonsi.

3,199 updates
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I'll be back later (in a day or few) with comic-related blog posts! VS dropping them as I was thinking about them on my socials, I decided to put off these blog posts for Neocities till I actually finished the comic. It's been 2 months and I have no idea what they were now (half /j).
starlitseas 4 months ago

Fixed up the post width for the late Halloween blog post. Unsure how it'll look on mobile.

starlitseas 4 months ago

Finished the Citaatlco and Lotus Isle map blog post.

starlitseas 4 months ago

Added: After Blue Horizon: BDSD comic 4 - updated specifics of main 6 fantasy counterpart cultural backgrounds. (That's all for today!)

I plan on revising some parts of the site and changing the focus of the main page, but I'm pretty much in a dizzying situation trying to get the upcoming Kickstarter's goodies done, so that might take a while longer than I hoped! We'll see. I'm glad I finally finished comic 4, phew.
starlitseas 4 months ago

SORRY FOR MY RADIO SILENCE. Finished the 7-page comic 4 conclusion to the small story arc started in comic 3! That took way too long... @_@ Oh well. I worked really hard on it, so please check it out!

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oof i feel bad i put off halloween updates here. y'all can see the halloween series here for now:
starlitseas 5 months ago

there's also a video version but it has flashing imagery/eyestrain warning:

starlitseas 5 months ago

Added an extra bullet to my own about and a new song, but the main addition is Raj chibi at the very bottom. I'm not updating about comic 4 much here but it's part of comic 4 lol.

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I'll be restructuring the site in the next week or two! I got pretty additional character art by my novel's cover artist and want to start centering all the actual Blue Horizon media that exists front-and-center.
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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 28, 2021
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art literature lgbt writing comics