starlit seas. a blue horizon info site by naila moonsi.

1,991 updates
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Had a terf follow me and just mentioning that there's a block site feature under "tag" if you ever need to use it.
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starlitseas 1 month ago

Learned that divsel has been trolling some terfs or something but divsel I really don't get what's going on so please leave me out of it if possible. ^^"

starlitseas 1 month ago

After going through someone else's OC site, I realized looking at the girls' and boys' and nbs' sapphic and achillean relationship charts could potentially be fun for people, so i added links to them at the bottom of the character page instead of only leaving them in blog!

starlitseas 1 month ago

Have fun if you haven't gone through them before!

starlitseas 1 month ago

Added a blog post discussing characters' pronouns and put it at the bottom of the main landing page (character page) too.

I loved "travelogue" while you were creating it! Cool to know you're on Neocities. :D
Your OCs intrigue me. 👍🏾
I know your flower is messed up but it's very endearing!
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weebjunk 1 month ago

thank you!!! it'll be fixed... eventually!

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the jars for the microblogs are cute but thinking i'll switch to my own div box whenever one doesn't fit
Thanks for the follow! :D
Added in a main site link for the Blue Horizon: Bright Days, Sad Days comic.
starlitseas 1 month ago

I've been pretty fixated on making sure I have the first epic science fantasy book edited, but getting comments by the Comicfury audience made me really want to work on it again. ; v ;

Hello! Would it be cool to adopt your swimming pool pixel on my site? I assumed by the credit note that it was fine but I'll delete it if not! Cool site. :D
starlitseas 1 month ago

It's in "about" and credits you, but I'll delete if not allowed!

wrender 1 month ago

Tysm!! and yeah I really appreciate the credit note, you get the go ahead from me :]

starlitseas 1 month ago

Since another webring mentioned already adding the code in I got impatient and added in the Neocreatives webring too. I want in so bad lol.

starlitseas 1 month ago

Added in a quiz in about.

starlitseas 1 month ago

Added in a main site link for the Blue Horizon: Bright Days, Sad Days comic.

Website Stats

Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedApr 28, 2021
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art literature lgbt writing comics