starlit seas. a blue horizon info site by naila moonsi.

3,199 updates
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okay, here's the game via embed here! will adjust the comics page into a game and comics page later and link everything there:
Okay, released the game! Will fiddle with the game's main page to figure out how to do embed. Until then, you can play it here:
Put the new artwork for the game into gallery! The old versions are in the sketch dump section of the site. These one are more dynamic and fit character designs properly:
starlitseas 1 month ago

Spoils a route in the game!

ok, the previous game artwork is here now. y'all will not believe the level of struggle because i refused to start over. just start over, kids:
i was trying to rush the art for the game and don't really like that set for antonio + raj + alejandro anymore... might move it to the sketch dump section of the site and post new versions i'm actually satisfied with soon. part of the reason why is because it doesn't follow antonio's character design sense enough.
starlitseas 1 month ago

gonna go ahead and move those to the sketch dump section. i keep looking at it and being dissatisfied...

I'll add an amount more of variations in the next few days (about 7 more variations, but only 5 new characters).

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 28, 2021
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art literature lgbt writing comics