starlit seas. a blue horizon info site by naila moonsi.

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starlitseas 4 days ago

Added a quick explanation for why you will sometimes see Blue Horizon referred to as "Another Sky verse" in several old posts and links, as well as on the blog links.

starlitseas 4 days ago

For people who don't want to read it but want to know: it's because it's the code name I was using while pursuing tradpub.

starlitseas 6 days ago

Have been planning to do so for a while, but added some favorite pitches from back when I was pursuing a tradpub path for the epic science fantasy book 1, along with adding the current webcomic's summary in the about as well, et cetera.

starlitseas 5 days ago

Fixed a stray reference to "the Boundless."

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biggest update aside from the comic is a glossary of terms:
since comic 3 revealed the term "the boundless," i'll be going back and fixing up references to "the unknown coordinates" (placeholder) soon!
AWW it didn't create a new one, but here's comic 3, FINALLY:
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I CAN'T UPDATE ANYONE except HERE BC OF STUPID REASONS BUT ELECTRICITY DRAMA AFTER HURRICANE/CYCLONE have found a way to work on comic even if it takes a week for electricity to get fixed SCREAM so will try to!

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedApr 28, 2021
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art literature lgbt writing comics