
102 updates
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Sleepydev was updated.
1 year ago
Sleepydev was updated.
1 year ago
Sleepydev was updated.
1 year ago
sleepydev 1 year ago

Primarily a bit of clean up, had to update the navbar on every page after consolidating some links. Added a beginnings of a "micro-blog" page. If you can get by with only a flip phone, do it. It's be wonderous for my recovery from addiction. There were a couple years or so where my free time was swallowed by my iPhone.
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kaa 1 year ago

sed "s/be wonderous/been wonderous/"

sleepydev 1 year ago

This is such excellent advice! I've given this solution some thought before, it would certainly eliminate the temptation to scroll; although there are a few "smartphone" only apps that I still enjoy using. Gps, signal, etc.

sleepydev 1 year ago

I'm glad to hear that it's working well for you though! <3

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1 like I'm glad that you've recognized and begun addressing your OCD. I'm certain that I have undiagnosed OCD, it runs in my family, I know what it's like to struggle with intrusive thoughts and mentally unhealthy impulses. They're difficult to navigate but worth every effort.
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sleepydev 1 year ago

Thank you for the encouragement <3 It's tough - I'm glad that you've circled in on what's ailing you, that "Am I crazy?" feeling can be half of the battle. Knowing what you're dealing with opens up the door to a more thorough recovery. Happy to be a listening ear anytime if you need it!

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Sleepydev was updated.
1 year ago
sleepydev 1 year ago

New post on my recovery from dopamine addiction 🤡

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Sleepydev was updated.
1 year ago
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sleepydev 1 year ago

Added a page to display some of my recent art 🎨

You look like someone with a similar set of interests. So hello.
sleepydev 1 year ago

Hi, ditto! I took a peek at your microblog script, very cool 🙌 Looking forward to reading through some of your work.

Sleepydev was updated.
1 year ago
sleepydev 1 year ago

New ̶p̶o̶s̶t̶ rant about web accessibility being used for business advantage.

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CreatedFeb 6, 2022
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