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rime 2 years ago

these colors aren't final, they're just so that i can tell whats doing what lol

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rime 2 years ago

more or less done with the layout and theme. i just need to make some mood icons to go with the posts. maybe when i attain Legal Meth (for my severe newly diagnosed ADHD) i'll be able to draw some. for now i think i'll just use furcadia emotes

i just tried mochi for the first time. how the fuck do people eat that shit, its so sweet i thought i was going to die
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rime 2 years ago

the one i ate at least, had almost as much sugar as a can of coke, which is also something i can't stomach

silverheart 2 years ago

mochi sweetness seems to depend a lot on the filling in my experience, or at least when i've tried straight mochi dough the flavor is very mild... there are more mildly sweet mochis like sesame (one of my favorites) but i mean if you just don't like them at all that's fair, just mentioning in case maybe the texture was good despite the sweetness

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rime 2 years ago

the texture would take some getting used to, but its not a deal-breaker. i'm willing to give it another chance, so i'll keep an eye out for sesame mochi 👀

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fairytrash 2 years ago

I love this nature log!

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koshka 2 years ago

The white clover is actually edible, and rather healthy at that.

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rime 2 years ago

yea i've been wanting to try clover but i'm hesitant to try any that grow by the side of the road lol

fairytrash 2 years ago

i live in las vegas, and fallout is one of my bfs favorite series. we've gone to several of the places from the game. goodsprings is so cute.

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rime 2 years ago

holy shit that is amazing! i'd love to do that someday haha

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CreatedMay 20, 2017
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