Preternatural and Other Stories

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preternaturality 3 years ago

Something new this time, the first chapter of a new serial, Frigid: World Domination, and Other Childish Pursuits.

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preternaturality 3 years ago

Now, you might reasonably ask me, "A fourth serial story? That's a terrible idea." And you would probably be right. I was originally intending to write Frigid as a novel, to release it all at once when it was done. But all I think that's done is slow down both Frigid and the other serials, and I'm not really writing Frigid in any meaningfully different way. So, here we go.

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preternaturality 3 years ago

Now that NeoCities is back up, here's Dread page 5! I'm intending to update this serial more often, now that some things and my schedule are more settled.

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preternaturality 3 years ago

Finally back onto Preternatural, with Page 16!

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preternaturality 3 years ago

A fun little bonus update short story for the holiday.

preternaturality 3 years ago

A little edit to some text in the archives. This holiday special is a sequel to Sedition (itself a sequel to Generation), and despite what my last night's self thinks, probably loses way too much if you haven't read those first. In general, I'm rethinking the approach to sequels in the short story section, though Travail was really the start of that. I like the idea of having connections between short stories (cont.)

preternaturality 3 years ago

that aren't explicitly spelled out, but I don't think just not labeling sequels was conducive to the sense of discovery and realization I wanted to spur on. There are still a few undeclared connections I think someone could work out (and I'd be delighted to see someone try) and more that I think aren't really possible... yet. I'm not entirely sure how to do this, (cont.)

preternaturality 3 years ago

because screaming "There's a puzzle! Look here, this is a clue!" is one way to wreck a simple puzzle like this, but simply not stating there is one at all either isn't any better. But at least I've learned the (rather obvious) lesson to save the puzzle piece treatment for the added little connections, rather than just what should be a baseline part of it.

nohappynonsense 3 years ago

i like that you just provide extensive notes to yourself in these comments

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preternaturality 3 years ago

And I'm back! Today with a new short story, a sequel to Ordeal. Probably not what people were expecting, but what I had the bug to finally go and write.

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preternaturality 3 years ago

I was intending to finish an update (if I was lucky, two updates, to catch up) today and then I slept for twelve hours. I'm calling it a mulligan, updates will be back on February 6. That way I can get back into a semblance of writing schedule again, not get on track to be instantly derailed anew by the new semester starting up next week, and with luck build up a bit of a buffer.

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preternaturality 3 years ago

Oops! It will be a late update this time, but there shouldn't be any disruption to the overall schedule. Have a happy holidays :)

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preternaturality 3 years ago

A short story update. Another really short story; I'm on the busy end of things right now, but I'm happy with how this stands up on its own for now. There's more to this, but it won't be ready for a long while.

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preternaturality 3 years ago

And here's Preternatural Page 15!

preternaturality 3 years ago

College is keeping me a tad busy, so I took the opportunity to post my last Ear Rat Mag entry on my site proper, like I did last time. Don't tell Strange Crust, or he'll get the hounds.

nohappynonsense 3 years ago

Hounds dispatched, but they're pugs so they'll take a while to get over to you

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CreatedOct 10, 2019
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