Preternatural and Other Stories

953 updates
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preternaturality 1 year ago

Dread Page 6! Finally back to this one. Let's see if we can't take it all the way to the end before going back to Preternatural.

preternaturality 1 year ago

Preternatural Page 26. It's not an update really, but a little intermission to sit on and maybe ponder. Next week, Dread.

preternaturality 1 year ago

Preternatural Page 25!

preternaturality 1 year ago

This is something like the end of Act One. Next week there will be a bonus update with a little something like an interlude. I want to work on 'Act Two' a fair amount before I start posting it, so Preternatural will go on a hiatus. But the site won't; fortnightly updates will continue. That means two more regular updates in October, so this seems as good a time as any to pick Dread back up.

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preternaturality 1 year ago

Preternatural Page 23! A little bit late, but pretend you didn't notice. (Also, wow, I hope the new thumbnails aren't going to stay broken this week, too.)

preternaturality 1 year ago

Oh well there the thumbnails are, but also the update to a/22.html didn't take so now that's hogging center stage. Great.

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preternaturality 1 year ago

Preternatural Page 22! Another bonus update, because I think the pacing was calling for that. Things can probably slow back down a bit now, though.

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nohappynonsense 1 year ago

can't slow down

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preternaturality 1 year ago

Preternatural Page 20! Bonus update, because I couldn't sit on this one.

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preternaturality 1 year ago

Preternatural Page 18! Right on the wire but this post came in on a Sunday. Normal updates will resume next week, for real this time. (I also didn't forget that the missed update last week was also a missed bonus update the week before that, but I'm not sure when that will get made up for. Eventually.)

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preternaturality 1 year ago

The plan is to stay on Preternaturality for a while, with the coming updates. I'm going to try and make some real progress on individual stories one at a time, like I probably always should have been doing.

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preternaturality 1 year ago

Er, the plan is to stay on Preternatural for a while. Hopefully it wasn't in question that the plan is to stick with the site as a whole long-term, hahah.

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedOct 10, 2019
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sciencefiction superpowers fiction fantasy writing