Chocobo Ranch

8,201 updates
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i showed my friend your website (she loves chocobos) and she's super happy to learn about it! :D thank you for your work!
chocoboranch 1 year ago

omg im so glad she likes it!! thank u so much for sharing it! im really happy to hear this :)

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updates have been slow and i havent been able to upload anything new really. i dont have a lot of time to do things, but hopefully in the next few weeks i'll have more time. i work more hours now and i have online school to deal with x_x if i update anything recently it will just be changing around text and adding alt text to images (i've never made a website before this and didn't know about
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taptroupe 1 year ago

wishing you best of luck~ i really wish i had more time to work on my own site too but work struggles, relatable <:)

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Website Stats

Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedMar 29, 2022
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