caroline website

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Hey! It might be a screen size thing, but your background flashes pretty severely on both my monitors... You might want to look into that for accessibility reasons ^^'
2dpinkclouds 1 month ago

Thank you for the infomation! I'll try fixing the issue, since it is quite annoying, cheers!

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federiefederi 1 month ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... we're trying to help smaller sites gain more reach and your support would help a lot! thank you ❤

cool site!! i put your button on mine :] gonna try and crack that puzzle...
1 like
moonsetterindustries 1 month ago

Oho! Everything you need is on the main site, but spread out to two places. The structure of the password is as written. Thats all the hints I'm willing to give :) ~ Mr. Midnight

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2020
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