// Added page 78 // Added site buttons; Added to Info // Let a couple cats into Info // Really just completed Info // Read on-site for more info.
Looking around, I only now noticed I didn't put my own button on my site! I also noticed that the Webcomics page itself is a little messed up! I apologise for that one! For now, I'll just *steal* and link my button off SolarCyberPunk. https://solar-cyber-punk.neocities.org/Images/Button.png
Oh lol I know I passed over that button a couple times while reading about your plant endevours. Thank you!
// Added pages 73 - 77 // Rewrote and changed CH.1 and CH.2 // Added In All This Heavy Blue, 1, Interlude, GoGoCon // First expanded page added to info (Wallpaper of pg.1) // Read on-site for more info.
meant to respond to this a lot earlier Lol but I wanted to say that you've got such a strong artistic sense that I'd looove to see what you'd do with babylon!! I'm flattered that you like my site as well your stuff is so cool
// (Forgot to add this lol) //You can NOW SAVE YOUR PLACE! // Added a popup on first visit // Port rot marked // Read on-site for more info.