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and also the f+f comments are still here
i still have the please support our project comment
FOUND IT https://neocities.org/site/oerrorpage?event_id=3269119
Of what
ur website
Thank you
I always try to build on my webpages, but I usually keep my WIP pages unlinked from my main pages until they're finished or close to finished.
no like this:https://e.neocities.org/
we may never know...
smoking that f+f pack
obladi, oblada, life goes on
But it cool tho :(
I like when that happens xD It's fun seeing myself clip though the mildly broken render engine. xD
ok, that looks SICK
be in our discord and @ me with your website!
(the discord is the one on my site)
ok, good thing i have a discord, and i just messaged u
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