ghost tea

27 updates
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ghost tea was updated.
2 months ago
ghost tea was updated.
3 months ago
cool, i can finally see the text...
1 like
mgcpxl 3 months ago

ikrrr i wanted to make the text white so i could keep that shade of red in the bg but tbh idk if itll even look okay that way lmao

1 like
ur website is chill asf
1 like
ghost tea was updated.
3 months ago
1 like
hey, erm... the a tag exists...
mgcpxl 3 months ago

like for linking stuff? im still new and forgetful lol but thanks ill see how i can apply it next time i update it

ghost tea was updated.
4 months ago
ghost tea was updated.
4 months ago

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMar 19, 2024
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art videogames music