1 Year anniversary! - Netscape Navigator Revival

1,407 updates
0 tips
laevateinn 1 year ago

i now have learned new information about javascript thank you so much

netscapenavigatorrevival 1 year ago

might not be too useful. the javascript I use for this has been deprecated for a decade. Accept for security

1 like
Nice art bro! :)
michalperetz 1 year ago

Thank you kindly! :3

1 like
netscapenavigatorrevival 1 year ago

No problem! You deserve it :D

The 1989 Revival has Released! Check it out now at
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New Netscape Now! 88x31 button
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Alright guys I feel alot better and I am working on the website scripts (they are on different domains which is why there arent any update notices) anyway WWW Revival will be out by next week at the latest.
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Sorry I havent updated the site guys I got a headache and it hurts when I look at my screen so I am attempting to get rid of it. I promise I will update the site tomorrow.
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arandomsite 1 year ago

Hope ur doing better

I think I will update this page daily on how many visits it has since neocities is incorrect. It has 3,137 views in total

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 25, 2022
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revival netscape mosaic ie2 lynx