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LSR rn is just waaay overengineered and it's more busywork than it's worth for a fun new page for me :-( for v3 i think i'm gonna try a network/collective approach where a blog is the heart of the domain
Not gonna lie, I was afraid to feel the same with V2 :'] I'm going for a simpler approach, but I also wish to make the site a more visual experience. It's a tricky thing to nail down haha
@ninacti0n reworks are so difficult!! on one hand i miss the careless fun i had making v1 & v2 but on the other some of my code/workflow choices were so absurd i'm cursing myself haha. cheering you on either way ^-^ you have such a knack for graphic design and i'm excited to see what you do for v2 knowing more now about webdev :-D