Also not sure when my first shrine will be uploaded... it's not done yet and i haven't found the motivation to work for it this past week... maybe the upcoming week! Making the collage page did re-ignite some needed love for this site! If you read this, YOU ARE LOVED! Go smell a flower.
i always forget to change dates when i copy things haha.. if you ever see a mistake like that, pls ignore.. i'm a bit scatterbraineddd
WAH this is one of the cutest compliments i've ever recieved. Q3Q the feeling you describe is so prime too, i love that imagery & it makes me so happy you see my site like that!!!! TT thank you so much!! (clasps ur hands in my paws)
!! thank you !! so jealous you saw some cute fish! i don't think there's an aquarium where i've moved to so i'll have to check out pet stores instead lol (also, looking forward to finding out what your mystery/redacted shrine is o.o )
thank you so much! i love your site too! your song sounds really cool too, so ethereal..
ah wow thanks for checking it out :]