79 updates
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havent been on in so long aa!!! but its my birthday today :D!!!! YIPPIE!
THE WITCH HAT ATELIER ANIME TRAILER DROPPED IM SO EXCITED AAAAAA i need to make a shrine page for it eventually tbh . . .
ive been using the wayback machine to look at old layouts of some websites and gosh i miss when websites used to look fun and creative
kayleebird 8 months ago

looking at how the japanese nintendo website used to look like in the early 2000s....need design like that back so bad

!! IMPORTANT !! I am honored to be part of a great project called Raffles for Palestine! This Tumblr blog is ran by a Palestinian who has gathered artists who are raffling off prizes (from art to even physical items!) with all money going to helping Palestinians! I am raffling off the chance to win a full body & background OR half body & background commission! To enter, donate €5 to the gofundme linked in the repy!
kayleebird 8 months ago

I DONT MAKE A CENT OFF OF THIS!! All the money is going directly to Palestinians!! Donate €5 to this family!

kayleebird 8 months ago

DONT REPLY TO ME WITH THE SCREENSHOT!! DM THE TUMBLR ACCOUNT TO ENTER!! The more you donate the more you are entered!! (€5 = one entry. €10 = two entries)

kayleebird 8 months ago

I encourage you to donate if you can, you don't have to enter my raffle at all!! And donate to the many gofundmes on the account!

kayleebird 8 months ago


so many people are doing artfight this year omg !!!! i love to see it ;w;
cute site!! like it a whole lot
kayleebird 8 months ago

AW THANKS!! your site is so cool, i love the layout and look to it!! its very inspiring :D

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just so its clear: my site is here for a free palestine. i believe in a world free from colonialization, capitalism, & imperialism. from palestine to turtle island to all indigenous lands under genocide and colonialism - they will be free and have their land, air, and seas back.
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hunting for more graphics resources and there is NO WAY i saw a site ran by a 15 year old who is pro ishell...wasnt on neocities but oh my god
kayleebird 9 months ago

im sure there is a way, but i need to figure out how to block websites (and blogs on here too.) if anyone knows how to *blinks eyes slowly like a cat to show i mean know harm* letme know please

kayleebird 8 months ago

WAIT I WASWRONG THEY ARE ON THIS SITE OH MY GOD!!! it is a cutesy pixel art blog ran by a child. they updated their site and still have that button up

ive been looking at cool blogs to follow and man . . . its so sad that ive found a few transphobic ones :( they look pretty but then you read their abouts/see who they also follow
kayleebird 9 months ago

a few sites would of fooled me too! i even followed one not knowing till i went diving to look for resources. man. i need to check who i follow again

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedDec 28, 2022
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