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new cool site button + some blinkie recolours!
+new original blinkie B)
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aaa thank you ^^!! read your ecco shrine and it is so intersting! definately sounds like a game that would make me cry and give up as a kid lol
new blinkie ^^ (a bit of a sadder one so maybe that emoticon doesnt fit lol)
+ new miniblog entry
new blinkieee
and figured out whart was wrong with the options lol - fixed now!!
miniblog entryy
new stamp + buttonnn ^_^
fixed some bugs with the options ^^
new blinkie and buttonnnn
more buttons + made my first properly sized stamp B)
chad face emoticon you too cool glasses emoticon
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new cool site button + some blinkie recolours!
+new original blinkie B)