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could u explain more on how pnnamerica is kinda like a neo-nazi, i dont wanna unfollow someone just bc of some allegations
icelogist 3 months ago

I will mention that my hypothisis was purely on speculation seeing how the host casually browses the /pol/ board on 4chan. Since this guy doesn't make it entirely evident about their beliefs I will post multiple replies instead in the next few hours pointing to evidence they are a nazi.

icelogist 3 months ago

I will start with the starters, /pol/ or "politically incorrect" is a discussion board originally created to contain overtly xenophobic and racist comments and memes from other wings of 4chan. The type of discussion resulting in this is something that I wouldn't recommend for you to see in your eyes, where they will casually use the n word or conspire against jews.

icelogist 3 months ago

In pnnamerica's most recent video: you can skip to the time stamp 6:26 where you can hear the host say the n word.

icelogist 3 months ago

in a slightly older video you can see my point about their audience being racist. If you were to check the comments of this post you can see pnnamerica liking posts saying the n word or f slur. You can even see pnnamerica say "f*ck kikes" with "kikes" refering to a jewish person.

icelogist 3 months ago

You know what, perhaps I'm not the right person to be talking about this. Sorry for bringing this up.

dshifter 3 months ago

Wish I could weigh in on this since pnn and I have followed each other for some time, but I don't view his content at all. However, since this is a Neocities page with regular updates and a decently large following, I'd imagine Neocities moderators (if that's a thing?) would have taken him down by now if they saw any issues with the content he's been linking/publishing to his site. Personally, he just seems (1/?)

dshifter 3 months ago

Personally, he just seems like a turbonerd historian with steep views and a loose tongue. Neocities, pol, etc are just his way of keeping in touch with the world and spending time doing something he finds productive. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion and to speak their mind, and I respect that we're free to say what we wish online -- the lack of (2/?)

dshifter 3 months ago

the lack of real-world consequences to our actions online affords us a high degree of anonymity and freedom -- however, I believe it becomes a problem when relations between these pseudo-anonymous users start bubbling over without any actual prompt. Having a catalog of every 'misdemeanor' another person has ever committed, to me, speaks to the quality of the individual(s) weighing in on a matter. Not every (3/?)

dshifter 3 months ago

Not every mole hill is a mountain, and it's foolish to believe that it is so. If you do not like a user and/or their content, you have every option and right not to interact with them. From what I know about pnn's political ideology, I'm not certain I share many of my opinions with him (this doesn't have much merit since I haven't viewed his content in some time), but it doesn't seem as dangerous or venomous as (4/5)

dshifter 3 months ago

or venomous as it is being made out to be. (5/5)

dshifter 3 months ago

If what I'm saying is a pile of hogwash, I'm willing to admit I'm wrong - I don't have all the details. I'm only advocating for the guy out of general decency. I don't care about making any sort of political stance in all this either, I have better things to concern myself with.

leviathanisms 3 months ago

ok but personally if i think someone is tied to 4chan at all you need to never interact with them ever

leviathanisms 3 months ago

i cant believe ppl actually followed someone literally named "/pol/ News Network America" and never thought twice about it

sakana 3 months ago

I'm cautious about deploying the accusation of "neo nazi" right out the gate (yes, even for avowed /pol/acks) but it's at least correct to say he has strong rightwing views based on the content of his website, and the podcast entertains a lot of (to me) boring and shallow culture war stuff.

sakana 3 months ago

@laevateinn I'd argue a lot of people genuinely don't know what /pol/ represents and have never heard of it. I also disagree with your first comment - you know 4chan is more than just /b/ and /pol/, right? I still visit /tg/ to casually discuss tabletop games and view /a/ to see what anime people are recommending in the current season. The other side of ignorance is people being overly scared of a website which is >

sakana 3 months ago

< essentially a digital wall of bathroom graffiti, acting like it's some super clandestine hub of white nationalists instead of... you know... an image board.

icelogist 3 months ago

@sakana, I was specifically talking about the /pol/ board. Not the entire website. Although perhaps I might have been a little harsh, about the "neo-nazi" thing despite how much I feel that might be true. I'm willing to admit that I am wrong about everything.

icelogist 3 months ago

@sakana oh wait you were taking to someone else, my bad.

sakana 3 months ago

@icelogist No worries, lol. For what it's worth I basically agree with your assessment. I try not to rush to call people neo nazis/fascists because people on the internet have severely watered down those words, but someone genuinely using the word "kike" probably is one.

letslearntogether 3 months ago

Generally, if it turns out that someone truly holds racist views, certainly they are just as human as the people that they hate? And instead of expressing hatred back, wouldn't it be nice to state plainly: Judging someone on such superficial characteristics is rooted in both ignorance and fear. Maybe that belief is something that they have inherited uncritically?

letslearntogether 3 months ago

We can hold people accountable for their behaviors without harassing them, and we don't necessarily have to agree with them in order to have a fruitful dialogue. If we take a genuine interest in learning more about each other, maybe that ignorance and fear will fall away and there will finally be more peace in the world.

letslearntogether 3 months ago

That was my point in posting the link to that video.

sakana 3 months ago

^ Again, Neocities comments are too restrictive to say what I really want to say. As briefly as I can manage: on one hand, people are responsible for what they say/do/believe and it's reasonable for other people to decide not to engage with them. On the other, I personally try to extend good faith and grace to people who I believe hold pernicious views, especially if they're young. >

sakana 3 months ago

< We need to condemn asocial, damaging ideologies, but we also need to allow an avenue for people to change their minds and get normal. Even on this website I've seen people go from borderline 14-wordsing to "what the hell was I thinking" once they were removed from terminally online echo chambers and realized that the real world isn't actually like that, and once they were shown a bit of compassion.

sakana 3 months ago

Addendum as reply to @letslearntogether: I basically agree with you, but I don't hold anything against people who can't or won't do the work of deescalating and deradicalizing. I've had to do a lot in my lifetime. Generally, people are more reachable and reasonable than you think, but I can't blame someone for being unable or unwilling to do that.

letslearntogether 3 months ago

@sakana I agree. That is a balanced and fair view in my opinion. It definitely is a fine line. If one is going down a destructive path, ultimately, they have to make the personal decision to leave it. But someone pointing it out with a little bit of patience and kindness can also go a long way in helping to redirect sometimes.

letslearntogether 3 months ago

Racism and other prejudices are harmful for everyone, especially when those false assumptions lead to dehumanizing others and rationalizing violence towards them. There is a big difference between edgy humor and real hatred, but the former is sometimes used as a cover for the latter.

letslearntogether 3 months ago

I would hope that the words on pnn's homepage about not condoning violence and the importance of friendship are honest and not stated ironically.

letslearntogether 3 months ago

*sigh*...To be completely honest, I hadn't watched a whole episode of pnn before. It is hard to justify the racism and sexism within the most recent video as "just comedy." (Yes, I actually listened to the whole thing.) I would not be at all surprised if the elderly man that they are conversing with is a dyed-in-the-wool KKK member from the deep south that they are related to in some way.

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letslearntogether 3 months ago

I still stand by my word...Attributing the problems of society to african americans, mexicans, women, jews, native americans, communists, homosexuals, and so on truly is founded in ignorance and fear. It is such a ridiculous overgeneralization, like saying that "all white people are inbred serial killers" or something. To speak of genocide as some kind of "solution" to one's worries is more tragic than anything.

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letslearntogether 3 months ago

It must be exhausting to hate and worry about so many people that one has never even gotten to know. How did you come to hold such opinions? Maybe someone hurt you and you generalize that characteristic to an entire group? Whatever the case, I genuinely wish you all peace and will always be open to respectful dialogue...Well, that's enough Internet for me for today...Time to go touch grass...

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