Eligood: A Retro Nintendo Fansite for Zelda, Fire Emblem, and Pokemon

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haxrelm 3 years ago

Now lets hope BOTW 2 comes out. Unless it has the Half Life 3 Curse

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eligood 3 years ago

*no fear* hax: "Now lets hope BOTW 2 comes out. Unless it has the Half Life 3 Curse" *one fear*

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Hey! Sorry to be a bother, but could I possibly be considered for Arcadia? I adore the districts system, haha
1 like
hm i should really work on this site....... and yet.........
my personal site is now at! check it out if you get a chance
ok so. funny story. my parents blocked youtube off our home wifi bc my brother was watching it instead of doing his schoolwork. this may change some stuff bc i got a lot of my news from directs and trailers. hopefully i'll figure smth out, bc i can't get a vpn on my phone :/ +1 for moving out soon, ig

Website Stats

Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedSep 21, 2020
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videogames nintendo zelda pokemon gaming