Banana Sky

1,672 updates
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Hey man do you have any tips on making the animated thumbs used on ? I wanted to put one together for Banana Sky.
floppyjay 5 years ago

The purple buttons were made using a 3d graphics program for windows 98 called Simply 3d, and I just had one frame with a light source, and one without. For previous versions of the same button I used a circle with a bump map and light source in GIMP animated similarly to today's variant.

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Fixed all broken css (may finally add some css to the donation page and the ascii art page)
Countinued. a new page on the site dedicated to each thing!
Today I will be updating all of the metadata of this site. I would like to apologize for lack of updates but I have recently begun a new job. I am also a member of the Parrot Linux Team, and I have been in the process of developing my own personal website and a website for an organization Edit: I have recently been experimenting with creating fractals, deepfakes, and gigapixel images and may develop Countinued >
y3lizxjwdw5r 5 years ago

Parrot is super figo

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedAug 14, 2016
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experimental music retro art