Banana Sky

1,672 updates
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I kinda wanna replace some of the buttons on the homepage with blinkie style buttons
Potential Music Picks to reach out to: - Business Pastel - Venosci - Defcon Soundtrack?
Man burnout really sucks. I really want to love this site but it takes a lot to work on it. I want to update it but I also dont want to get rid of what makes it unique
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The current version of the site will be put in a new version of the Boards List as well as have a hyperlink on the new site.
ok lets get the revamp started
Alternatively, Ive been itching to do some revamps, try make things more artsy
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y3lizxjwdw5r 11 months ago

will you change the homepage?

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedAug 14, 2016
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experimental music retro art