Banana Sky

1,666 updates
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Update: Editing things locally, removed hundreds of lines of unused code, fixed an endless amount of syntax issues, rebuilt most css and optimized every image
dark3n1ng 3 months ago

Additional Note, I am thinking of making Changolia into a space themed william gibson tribute

Important note, my site will be pretty broken for a few days while I rework the file structure of the site and streamline things, one of the pages uses 8 subfolders
Jesus, in the process of updating audio, I found a 50mb mp3 file, trimmed that down to 11mb and will probably replace it. All other audio files went down between 50% and 80% in filesize. Sorry Safari users but OGG is the way
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Updating all audio tracks to OGG for compatibility and file size. Some of the current tracks are over 10mb

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedAug 14, 2016
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experimental music retro art