843 updates
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Would anyone happen to know a good system for comment boxes? I want to add those to my website, but I'm not sure how. I was looking at but I'm wondering what, if any, alternatives would be?
Updated my website, gave it a big one! Added an actual counter for how many people have visited my website, added some buttons linking to other sites I enjoy, added buttons for my friends' websites and for the webring I am apart of, tenets of shit i believe in, pictures i've made or taken, and screenshots i've taken from the games I play! There's also a new blogpost about various tech failures from Sony!
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bugholdersepiphany 1 year ago

Oh, and I added the SCM Music Player at the top of my page as a replacement for Youtube's janky playlist stuff. I'll add onto it with more music occasionally. For now, enjoy~!

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gonna have a big update to my site soon! Not sure when but, soon:tm:
I've added a button to my website for people to put on their own websites to link to me if they so wish~! Also, added two more songs to my song page. Gonna work on a blog post soon enough talking about various Sony-related failures that are interesting, as well as a cover of a song that I did as an experiment and for exercise :)
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need to make a new button for my site soon, the old one kinda sucked lol
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found out the funny way that uploading songs, you can't up spaces or () in the title or else that causes problems with the song loading. whoopsie! Added another song btw
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federiefederi 1 year ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... it would help a lot! thank you ❤

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMay 26, 2022
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music blog cohost videogames writing