The web site of Vas

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It's only been a day since I warned this'll keep happening and now tumblr banned all porn. Great stuff.
The bugs I was experiencing with ibus were actually fixed in the newer version in the testing repo. It's disappointing that the fix was backported to stable, but I guess that's life if you dare speak more than English.
vas 6 years ago

BTW if you only speak English as an adult you should be ashamed of yourself. And this isn't me being a multicultural open borders libtard soycuck. Learn some true Aryan language like Danish if it bothers you. Fucking Amerigoblins.

vas 6 years ago

All these tradcuck cucktubers whine all day about "muh European kalchoor" and can't even speak a language originating in the European mainland. Inbred brainlets, all of them.

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strata 6 years ago

Interestingly, you write in English. Being completely sincere, what's your main motivation for doing so (instead of e.g. keeping your native language alive on the web)?

vas 6 years ago

Cause nobody reads Greek.

strata 6 years ago

Same (although on a vastly differing scale) for German. Although it makes me quite sad not being able to use the language that I love.

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arkmsworld 6 years ago

Sadly, I've forgotten most of my German and keep starting and stopping French.

joppiesaus 6 years ago

what an interesting opinion vas-sama

strata 6 years ago

Yeah, Vas-nihon is right about this.

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strata 6 years ago

"Real men fuck each other" --Vas, 2018

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vas 6 years ago

"If you don't wanna nut inside a cute kid, why even live? 🍆 💦 🍩 🐐" — Vas, October 2, 2018, 4:54 PM

You've heard of strata now get ready for satta.
strata 6 years ago

strata is also known as lil' strats german quality !! Handcrafted Website... पैमेंट करना होगा।..हमारे बैंक एकाउंट में।।, 100 % Pure Quality, visit Strata Index or Strata not found Page, Strata On Neocities Loads Super Fast And Fastest Welcome Friend really Helps You To Bi...May you always win. !!

I'm trying out a new background colour / pattern, because I thought the old one was a bit hard on the eyes.
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strata 6 years ago

It's alright, but I miss the beige-esque colours.

vas 6 years ago

It's literally Ruri's face pixelised.

strata 6 years ago

I know, but it was the shit.

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vas 6 years ago

I think the header should be about the same size as my love for mari-kun's edgy banter. ❤❤❤ Maybe you aren't the edge-brother I need, but you're definitely the edge-brother I deserve. 🍆💦

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vas 6 years ago

Anyway the site should be very easy to navigate now that the nav buttons are very visible no matter how far you've scrolled down.

mariteaux 6 years ago

You seem upset.

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vas 6 years ago

You're acting tsuntsun but deep down we know you're deredere, at least for a special someone in your life, and that's what makes it sacred.

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mariteaux 6 years ago

Your exaggerated imitation of my site is still perfectly usable, by the way. I don't know what point you were trying to make, all I know is that your taste in design is only matched by your taste in jackoff material.

vas 6 years ago

Indeed. Flatter is better, less is more. 😉

strata 6 years ago

I am siding with Vas here, I love his blog's readability and *especially* the tall viewport. There's no point in artificially limiting the height when you've already got a shite 16:9 monitor.

mariteaux 6 years ago

I'm announcing a new change. I've taken vas' feedback and carefully pondered what my site actually needed. I think this is a small improvement.

strata 6 years ago

It's interesting how salty you become whenever there is the slightest disagreement.

mariteaux 6 years ago

Because making a new page on your site because someone's wasting your precious vertical reading space on theirs isn't indicative of saltiness in the slightest :thonk:

mariteaux 6 years ago

no u aside, this is still a non-issue and I don't get how you look at a shitpost and think "oy lookit the salt on this lad".

strata 6 years ago

I am very grateful not to be a Briton and therefore won't ever begin a sentence with an oy!

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joppiesaus 6 years ago

What a cool & humorous review for a cool keyboard! It seems a great bang for buck keyboard. RGB keyboard? more like a KGB keyboard(amirite strata). btw i have a huge black keyboard with no printing on it and i love it. do you know what the appeal is of a linear switch? how do you know when the damn thing is pressed? also i ordered individual cherry mx switches, gonna build a shitty cooking timer but with them <3,3,3,

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vas 6 years ago

Linear switches feel smoother than tactile ones, and some users appreciate the smoothness. Also, they tend to have much lower actuation force so if you prefer a really light touch, or need to perform extremely fast movements, e.g. for speedrunning, they make some things easier. Please consider writing a build log of your cooking timer when you're done!

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joppiesaus 6 years ago

Thanks for the information, it really clears things up for me. I will consider! it might be crappy though

strata 6 years ago

@jopert_saus, you are right with the KGB keyboard!

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CreatedApr 16, 2016
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